Friday, November 7, 2003

Newborn Phleghm Sound

Tinitus @ 2003-11-07T22: 34:00

ich habs doch gesagt...seraph als vergleich als engel(bibel:seraphin) und einer meiner lieblingsszenen :

(Hel Club garage)
Seraph is coming
[Q-Ball Gang Member #1]: God damn...
[Q-Ball Gang Member #2]: Holy shit, it's Wingless.
[Q-Ball Gang Member #1]: I get it. You must be ready to die.
Seraph: I need to speak with him.
[Q-Ball Gang Member #1]: [...] Over my big dead ass.
Seraph: So be it.

How To Go Off Risperidone

is again a matrix so awesome ...

Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson, why? [...] Why do you do it? Why, why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something, for more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is, do you even know? Is it freedom or truth, perhaps peace - could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson, vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all [...] as artificial as the Matrix itself. Although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson, you must know it by now! You can't win, it's pointless to keep fighting! Why, Mr. Anderson, why, why do you persist?
Neo: Because I choose to.

Diaper Rash Treatmentwhat To Mix

Stellen Sie sich vor ,Sie wachen auf
mitten in der Nacht
Sie gehen in die Küche und setzen sich an den Tisch. Das monotone Hum of the refrigerator breaks the silence of the time. You think about what you had just occupied.
set with a glass of cold water from the faucet on to the window and look out. In some houses still burning
the light, smoke rises from the chimneys of the neighborhood and a few cars driving alone down the street.
The impression seems out of focus and identity of each individual currently very weak.
As you will be cold again, you go to bed with the uncertain feeling that something was.
Something that you can not remember exactly.
The next morning you hear about smooth the alarm. Tired of the alarm you throw in the Water glass from last night around and can not find your bathrobe again. The bread tastes charred, the coffee too bitter and the milk bowl. A shoe laces
your tears when you knot up, your bag goes on as if by coincidence in the moment when you step out the door to outside and all your documents fly in the wind. When even your car will not start, you give up with a sigh. Now you just walk down the street, enjoy the rest, turn off short, and suddenly you find it again.
you run into the shop below, hurried to the checkout and announce to the person behind it, "I would like to have a dream"
(due to time constraints not yet active)

Thursday, November 6, 2003

Tattoos Post-pregnancy

mtv ema

mtv europe music awards

was absolutely mega beginning ... christina aguilera in the nun outfit, with "Dirrty" sung by a children's choir, at the initial segment of ego barely visible. So fands tip, stop thinking mainly because that's just the reason why so much stress to our class time has ... with the director halt. na could not care less now. anyway, I'm lookin at the paper in 1 week she appears ... * Smile *

Accounting Today was school work, 2 hours, was pretty stupid, could not really had a headache, and no loss ... and when one hears the other, each with a 5, but then eventually I'm sure back then one of the few. oh fuck ... Well. * G'sund main thing '...

Bin gaze rather tired, I'd still like mtv, mais ce n'est pas possible, parce que mon frere est revenu ... whether it was right now, I do not know, but basically does not matter ...

Haha. the new school psychologist is a former pupil of us and together with a teacher (natter) by the school ... * Always * the school's relationships ...

au revoir

Monday, November 3, 2003

Pergo Vs Shaw Laminate 2009

.. ... 2

'm really full of joy wiedermal to make a new design, but absolutely no time. and I know myself, if I start again, I'm no stopping and there are currently just things much more important than hp. Matura school stress. etc. Besides, I still do not know what I will haematuria orally (except containing the subjects!). vacillate between psychology, polit education and history. Biology would certainly not very difficult, but somehow I do not want to .... biology

live it goes much too quickly past me .... Would love to capture moments and stuck in it forever. well, not quite forever, but as long as I want to leave it for yourself ... But all around me who want the faster the time goes by waiting eagerly for the future.
. the vision of the future could also be nice if I had not constantly remember that there will most likely no future with Him.

why I want to live now, enjoy the time with him and not have to think about what the future holds.


Buy Port Royal Tobacco

headache ... *

it ha are only 11 days left until the ball passes the time so fast. do now is everywhere wos possible subliminal advertising, because we have a few cards for sale .... On Thursday, I've rw-school work. and I still have quite a lot to learn ... If it can not at all. yesterday we have from 14.00 - 18:00 fürn rehearsed ball, and after that I was still at andi.

should clean up my room again, looks pretty catastrophic. but there are indeed more important things in life.

I grad pretty cold and I'm hungry ... what time I'll go eat.

I have firmly made up, often to write in my lj ...

nice evening.