Thursday, January 22, 2009

Little Mermaid Car Wash, Madison, Wi

Tag # 147 - Blood group ^ ^ ... & the phenomenon "Boys before Flowers"

A few days ago we had once again to the Health Care Center on the Ewha campus go (The first time was made only an X-ray absorption of our chest and blood was taken). My blood test had probably looked like when I would not have been vaccinated against hepatitis B .... probably it is not long enough ago. Because after I had shown that that in 2008 three vaccinations occurred had, they have given calm ^ ^
But hold on tight ..... I would have paid per vaccination only 5000Won . That is less than 3 €! So all the planning to go to Korea to exchange and have not been vaccinated against hepatitis B vaccination ... let yourself in Korea. Much better.
But Ina and I have taken the opportunity and asked if they had also taken simultaneously our blood groups. Unfortunately, they did not have that, but the woman I talked, we thought we should but the next day come back and let us test!!
That's what I naturally can not say twice. How long will I now know my blood type? 22 years? lol Well, active perhaps 10 years?
We are the next day gone. Unfortunately we had to be taken in the arm blood (like the woman the day before had said just a small prick in the finger). But I'm happy to put up with. Was already interesting as the employees whom we have said that we have experienced our blood group never were very surprised about this fact. Here in Korea Everyone knows his blood type. If you would not know ... that would be as we Germans did not know our star sign. (Lol most horoscopes are written in magazines on the basis of blood group here ... not like us to sign, even though it also exists). So he has
I bled again ... and then we could sit and watch as he has determined the blood group. It is SO easy, you do not believe it. And it only takes about one minute. He had a glass plate, were on the box. The first line of each state A, B and Rh
dadrunter In the column he has done it in a box each one of my blood droplets. Then he dribbled 3 different liquids on each one of Tröfen (ie liquid A on the blood in A and B to the liquid under B, etc.). Thereafter, the wooden stick with a somewhat mixed. Now he has lifted the glass and made a little old man movements. In the A and Rh in the field has been with me clotted blood in the fluid ...? No, you can not call it. It looked like very light sprinkles LOL that swam in the liquid, which he had done again blood. Only in B showed no reaction. Which means that I have A + . It's that simple
Then the whole procedure again made with Ina's blood. However, nowhere has a Reakton shown, which means that 0 - has.
The whole thing was free. And finally, I know ... I have the blood type, which most people do lol how boring (but really good for me XD).

More can not really tell. The days go so fast at the moment (which is probably partly because I only towards the 11/12 Clock always wake up ...).

Next Monday is New Year. In the lunar calendar. Therefore, Sunday and Monday are public holidays here. And all go back to their families.

Monatg and Tuesday we are now accessible in the lounge at 9:55 pm at the blasting drama "Boys before Flowers" watching.
And this is a phenomenon for themselves.
only once briefly the history:
Actually "Hana yori Dango" (so the correct Japanese name and that is above the English translation) is a manga. Then, in Taiwan a drama (= Telenovella) turned to what was really successful and the then unknown Taiwanese actor in all of Asia was the star.
Then came the Japanese drama. Also a huge success (the first time I was here in Korea in the cinema I have the movie, which follows the story of the Japanese drama had watched).
and now has been 3 weeks here in Korea, the Korean version of the drama its premiere. 24 episodes long and it will be every Monday and Tuesday will be available one broadcast.
And I can tell you, I've never seen so many people in the lounge seen sitting together, as the time when this drama is running. Almost every chair and every seat on the couches is busy. One feels a bit like the movies. And the
Einschaltsquoten are not bad (and getting better): Did the first episode "only" 14% of all Korean households is switched on, it has reached episode 6 already at 24%. And I think that that's not the end.
Alleridngs must also mention that the predecessors were all very successful and the only reason many may have interest in the show.
But even now are still made 3 weeks relatively unknown actor to the currently most popular star of the ads ...

The Manga: (Manga )
The Taiwanese version:
The Japanese version: http : / /
The Korean version: where you can include the summaries of Boys before Flowers will be read.


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